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Anti-racist campaigners claim victory over Tommy Robinson & far-right UKIP, warn of Farage’s return to mainstream politics

To maintain the campaign against the rise in racism and fascism we need regular support to cover costs of meeting venues, leaflets, coach hire, speakers expenses and many other campaigning expenses.   Please consider making a regular commitment of £1-2 a month to help halt the growth of racism and the far right.

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Together Against Trump

Let's turn Trump's state visit into a carnival of resistance against the rise in racist politics and the growth of the far right.

Join the national and local protests against the World’s #1 CLIMATE DENIER, RACIST, MISOGYNIST, HOMOPHOBE & WARMONGER

June 3rd - Oxford protest - assemble Carfax 5PM (part of national reception for Trump)

June 4th - London protest called by Together Against Trump book seats on Oxford coach to London online and Oxford protest if people can't make London - assemble 5 pm Carfax.

Email for printed copies of materials

Protests called by Together Against Trump

Oxford together Against Trump is supported by Oxford Stand Up To Racism, Oxford CND, Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Oxford Cuba Solidarity, CWU South Central Postal Union, Oxon UNISON Health,  PCS union DWP Oxon & Bucks,y Oxford & District Labour Party, Oxford Green Party, Oxford Momentum, Oxford SWP, Oxford CPGB

Trump protest leaflet

Saturday June 1: Migrants make the NHS block on Oxford march for the NHS.  Help us counter the racist narrative against migrants and celebrate the role they play in keeping our NHS running.  We have a crippling shortage of NHS staff in the UK, which is worse in oxford due to the high cost of living.  Migrants are an essential part of solving our staffing crisis, both in terms of helping to fill tens of thousands opf vacant posts, but also in fighting for a cost of living rise that will help solve the severe  recruitment and retention crisis here.  Assemble 11 AM, Manzil Way Green, East Oxford, OX4 1YH

Cowley Road, East Oxford.

Sunday June 16: Film showing of "Freesia" a film exploring Islamophobia and community cohesion with introduction from the director.  2- 5 PM Asian Cultural Centre.  All welcome.  Bring and share a dish.

190506stand up to racism flyer

Saturday June 22: Support the #BeautifulResistance at the Oxford Love Music Hate Racism Summer Festival.  2pm - midnight @ Isis River Farmhouse, Iffley Lock featuring: Basil Gabbidon band / Brickwork Lizards / Rhymeskeemz / Joely / Inner Peace Records / Call.Me.Tiece. / My Crooked Teeth / Russ Chandler / Raouf Adear / Jen Berkova / The Hex Collective / with Witney Soul Club DJ's John & Butters / DJ Steve Nussier / Bhangra DJ Steve Gill. More Artists to be announced soon. With music, spoken word, children's entertainment, live graffiti, stalls, world festival food there'll be something for everyone.  Day tickets: £10 waged / £8 unwaged.  Evening £6/£4 (after 7pm) Under 14's free. All proceeds go to campaigning against the rise in racism and the far right. Trade unions and campaign groups invited to block book tickets and stalls - contact

Saturday 19th October:  Stand Up To Racism international conference 

31 October - 4 November:  Unite Against Fascism educational trip to Auschwitz